Your Account

Confirm email address

Forgotten your password? Enter your email address below, and we'll email instructions for setting a new one.

Problems signing in?

Some users with Hotmail/Outlook addresses have reported issues with receiving emails due to them being blocked by spam filters. To resolve this you need to set the Premier League as a safe sender in your settings. To do this complete the following steps: (Formerly Hotmail)

  1. Open your Outlook mailbox.
  2. Select Options from the top right (next to the question mark).
  3. Select More options > Safe and blocked senders (under Preventing junk email) > Safe senders.
  4. In the space provided, enter the address -
  5. Select Add to list.
  6. Ensure the safe mailing lists box has the address you entered, and select OK.

Once this has been completed, please go back to the FPL site and follow the 'Forgot your password?' steps again.

You should find that the email is then sent to your inbox. Please note that this can take up to 10 minutes to come through.